Hi, I’m Jonesy.
I was born and raised in Boise, ID. Im a passionate and avid pool player. I’m also a part time maker and pool content creator on YouTube. I can make just about anything using any material, but my specialties are with wood and 3D printing. My favorite part about making is finding ways of making things better. I’m always tinkering trying to improve things to have more than one use, include awesome features or simply make them easier to use.
I like to think my love of pool and love for making have been progressing hand in hand my whole life. The first time I picked up a pool cue was when my parents started taking my brother and I to the Boise State SUB when we were young. I could barely reach the table but I fell in love with the game instantly. At the same time, I was obsessed with Lego and any building toy I could get my hands on. My parents even supported my love of building with allowing me to completely take over the living room to build a semi permanent Lego Land!
When I got older and could start playing pool regularly my love of Pool and Making things came to a head. Ever since I got my first cue case I have been obsessing over the perfect pool playing set up ever since.
Jones Works is born.
In 2017 I started Jones Works. When we began our main focus was on woodworking. While I still make things In my wood shop, my focus has shifted more towards 3D printing as I’ve learned more about 3D modeling as well as the advancements in printing technology.
I’m an entirely self taught designer. I learned and improved my skills through the process of 3D modeling things from pool accessories to tools and jigs for my woodshop and anything else I come across. Outside of Jones Works, I work for a fly fishing company that makes fly fishing reels and my abilities have spilled over into assisting with the design of our reels.
Now Jones Works makes all sorts of different things and the collection continues to grow. Its never been something I expected to get rich from by any means. I just enjoy making things hopefully people will love and enjoy. And if that enables Jones Works to grow a little bit then Id say that’s mission accomplished.